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Positioned organization to take advantage of the restructuring.
Developed, monitored growth strategy, based on benchmark research Promoted organization as first choice among Thrift Banks Created complete corporate marketing program Planned communication strategy for acquisitions.
Directed strategic planning and visioning process for senior management.
Researched how "excellent" companies carried out the process Demonstrated the need to senior management for strategic planning Provided the training needed Developed steps to follow in carrying out the planning process.
Refocused senior management's framework for decision making and communicated management's new vision to key stakeholder groups.
Provided senior management with the tools needed to "walk the talk."
Studied contemporary approaches to communication research Gained approval for a comprehensive communication assessment Selected state-of-art research methods Administered the six-month assessment.
Developed new communication vision, mission and guidelines (which drove improvements in employee training, management style, performance appraisals, promotion policies and employee benefits).